Episode 27: Taking your leadership to new heights by stepping out of your comfort zone
Taking Your Leadership to New Heights by Stepping out of Your Comfort Zone
with Kat Rippy
Leader friends, I am so excited to talk to you today about something most leaders tend to lean on: comfort zones.
It can be easy to stick to what you know, especially as leaders. You know what they say, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
But the truth is, getting too comfortable can be very dangerous. It can impede growth, result in close-mindedness, and prevent you from reaching your full leadership potential.
Tune in to this week’s episode to see why stepping outside of your comfort zone can take your leadership to new heights.
Check out the episode below:
Highlights of this episode include:
- Kat’s family experience that inspired this podcast
- Why stepping outside of your comfort zone is critical for leadership success
- The payoff that comes with stepping out of your comfort zone
- … and more!
What Do You Think?
We’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode—do you step out of your comfort zone often? If so, how has it improved other areas of your life? If not, what are you waiting for? Let us know in the comments below!
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Kat Rippy
For 20 years, Kat Rippy has worked with organizations across the United States ranging in size from 20,000+ employees to a small office of 30 as well as many individuals who run their own small businesses. She has coached an endless stream of leaders in a variety of positions and businesses to reach their goals and make critical shifts in their effectiveness. Additionally, Kat has presented, facilitated, and trained more than 10,000 participants in various leadership topics, keynote addresses and all-hands organization-wide events.
Kat knows what it takes to lead people. With her extensive consulting background in organization development, she’s experienced in working with the organization as a whole to enhance cultural and systemic improvements through coaching, strategic planning, employee development programs and strategic talent management. As a Board Certified Coach, her clients benefit greatly from her system-wide perspective and understanding of how to improve performance through tools and techniques mastered by the world’s greatest leaders.